Stone Harbor Trash Cart FAQ: http://stoneharbornj.org/details-of-new-trash-and-recycling-receptacles-required-by-may-1st-2023/

- Avalon Beach Sweep, rescheduled to Saturday, April 15th, 9am-12:30pm. Visit www.cleanoceanaction.org to register.
- Stone Harbor Job Fair, at participating businesses, Saturday, April 15th, 10am to 4pm. Stone Harbor job listings: https://stoneharborchamber.com/help-wanted
- Murder on the Seashore Lines & Spring Ice Cream Express Trains, Cape May Seashore Lines, Saturday, April 15th. www.seashorelines.org/events
- Avalon Dune Grass Planting, Saturday, April 22nd, 8:30am. Volunteers will meet at Avalon Community Hall, 30th Street and Avalon Avenue, at 8:30am for a brief planting demonstration. After the Dune Grass planting there will be a bagged light lunch outside Community Hall. Organizations and groups are encouraged to volunteer! Please call Sue Keen at 609-967-5924 or Chuck McDonnell at 609-967-3066, no later than April 11th, to sign-up.
- Free Tree Seedlings for Cape May County homeowners, Avalon Community Hall, Saturday, April 22nd, 8:30am-12pm. 500 native tree seedlings are available (arrive early).
- Stone Harbor Beach Sweep, rescheduled to Saturday, April 22nd, 9am to 12:30pm. Visit www.cleanoceanaction.org to register.
- Spring Into Summer Stone Harbor Market. Boats, water sports, bikes, fishing info, backyard BBQ, local breweries, live music. Water Tower Plaza, Saturday, April 29th, 10am to 4pm.
- Southern NJ Coast Guard Ball, 75th Anniversary of Recruit Training in Cape May, US Coast Guard Training Center Cape May, April 29, 2023. Info and tickets here: https://coastguardcommunity.org/events/southern-new-jersey-coast-guard-ball/
- Avalon Bulk Trash Pick Up, place items curbside May 5th through May 14th. Pick up begins May 15th at 7am.
- Avalon Garden Club Plant and Bake Sale, Avalon Greenhouse, 39th Street between Dune Drive and Ocean Drive, Saturday, May 6th, 8am to 3pm.
- Stone Harbor Bulk Trash Pick Up, Monday, May 8th. Place items curbside up to 72 hours prior.
- Avalon Townwide Yardsale, sponsored by Avalon Garden Club. Saturday, May 13th, 8am to 3pm, rain or shine. Participant fee $10. Visit www.avalongardenclub.org for an application.
- Avalon Community Paper Shredding, Avalon Public Works, Saturday, May 13th, 9am to 2pm, or until the shredding truck is full.
- Garden Club of Stone Harbor Plant Sale, by Pre-Order only, pickup orders at Stone Harbor Public Works Garage, Saturday, May 13th, 9am to 4pm. Order info here: https://gardenclubofstoneharbor.org/plant-sale/
- Avalon Cops ‘n Coffee, in front of Avalon Police Department, Saturday, May 13th, 10am.
- Garden Club of Stone Harbor Community Yard Sale, 9401 Second Avenue, Saturday, May 20th, 8am-2pm.
- Avalon Garden Club 39th Annual Flower Show, Avalon Community Hall, Saturday, June 10th, 10am to 3pm. Design & horticultural exhibits, raffle baskets, free admission. www.avalongardenclub.org
- Tuesdays at the Tower, summer concert series, beginning July 11th.
- Thursdays at Surfside, weekly concerts at Surfside Park, Avalon, Thursdays, 7pm, beginning June 29th.
264 34th Street, East, Avalon, $1,575,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230899
792 Sunrise Drive, East, Avalon, $2,595,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230874
311 83rd Street, Stone Harbor, $2,750,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230903
227 22nd Street, Avalon, $3,349,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230908
137 111th Street, Stone Harbor, $4,495,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230885
11100 Second Avenue, Stone Harbor, $4,495,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230886
125 112th Street, Stone Harbor, $4,695,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230883
115 112th Street, Stone Harbor, $5,295,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230884
327 88th Street, Stone Harbor, $7,895,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230904
10809 Sunset Drive, Stone Harbor, $7,995,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230872
105 112th Street, Stone Harbor, $14,000,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 230882
Properties Under Contract:
28 Linden Lane, Stone Harbor, $1,245,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 212695
133 Meadowview Lane, Avalon Manor, $1,350,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 230739
289 66th Street, East Unit, Avalon, $2,995,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 222949
587 Sunrise Drive, Avalon, $5,599,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 230684
501 42nd Street, Avalon, $8,500,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 230366
Properties Sold:
1559 First Avenue, Avalon, $2,100,000, SOLD MLS#: 230902
301 84th Street, Stone Harbor, $2,175,000, SOLD MLS#: 230004