- Halloween Movie Morning, Avalon Library, 235 32nd Street, Saturday, October 14th, 10am.
- Jigsaw Puzzle Swap, Avalon Free Public Library, Saturday, October 14th, 2pm. Drop off your gently used jigsaw puzzle at the library through October 13th, and receive a ticket for the number you dropped off. On Saturday, October 14th stop by the library to exchange your ticket for the same number of new-to-you puzzles. Drop-in puzzle swaps welcome after 3pm.
- Stone Harbor Bulk Trash Collection, place items curbside up to 72 hours prior to October 16th. (Non-acceptable items: construction debris, hazardous waste, carpeting, rugs, padding, propane tanks, brush & yard debris, concrete, bricks, cinderblock.)
- Sea Isle City Halloween Parade, 45th Street & Landis Avenue to JFK Boulevard, Friday, October 20th, 7pm to 8pm. DJ dance party at Excursion Park after the parade.
- Avalon Fall Dune Grass Planting, Saturday, October 21st, 8:30am. Volunteers should report to Avalon Community Hall at 8:30am that day for a brief planting demonstration. After planting work is completed, lunch will be provided at Community Hall. Volunteers should RSVP to Chuck McDonnell at 609-967-3066 or Sue Keen at 609-967-5924 to sign up. In the event of rain, the event will be postponed to Sunday, October 22nd.
- Fall Beach Sweeps, sponsored by Clean Ocean Action, Avalon (Community Hall) and Stone Harbor (95th Street beach), Saturday, October 21st, 9am. Information and registration here: https://cleanoceanaction.org/beach-sweeps/sites-and-registration
- Sea Isle City Harvest Classic. Hayrides on the beach, pumpkin decorating, scarecrow contest, and more. Excursion Park, Saturday, October 21st, 10am to 3pm.
- Savor September in October! Wine Beer, & Food Festival. Live music & entertainment, regional beer & wine, food, artisans. Downtown 96th Street, Saturday, October 21st (rescheduled from September 23rd), 11am to 7pm.
- Stone Harbor Business District Trick or Treat, Saturday, October 28th, 10am to 4pm.
- Avalon Trunk or Treat, 30th Street & Avalon Avenue, Saturday, October 28th, 5pm to 7pm. Costume parade, hayrides on the beach, cotton candy, caramel apples, and more! No registration is necessary, but cars must be parked by 4:45 and cannot exit until 7 p.m. Please decorate your car!
- American Red Cross Blood Drive, Women’s Civic Club of Stone Harbor, Monday, October 30th, 12pm to 5pm. Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org to schedule an appointment.
215 89th Street, Stone Harbor, $2,395,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 232720
163 83rd Street, Stone Harbor, $4,895,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 232693
293 68th Street, A, Avalon, $1,799,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 223202
405 96th Street, C, Stone Harbor, $2,295,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 232602
4277 5th, Avalon, $3,290,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 230302
18 E 19th Street, Avalon, $3,995,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 232407
10617 Golden Gate Road, Stone Harbor, $4,400,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 231781
Properties Sold:
319 41st Street, 319, Avalon, $2,212,500, SOLD MLS#: 230822
615 Sunrise Drive, Avalon, $3,250,000, SOLD MLS#: 231767
10823 1st Avenue, Stone Harbor, $5,637,500, SOLD MLS#: 230993
86 E 23rd Street, Avalon, $9,495,000, SOLD MLS#: 232691